3 Sep. 2021, ECHA has released a proposal for eight chemical substances to be identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Member States or ECHA, on request of the European Commission, may propose a substance to be identified as an SVHC by preparing a dossier in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex XV to REACH. All interested parties are invited to submit comments on such reports during the consultation. The proposal is now under public consultation and deadline for consultation is 18 Oct. 2021.
Once these substances are identified as SVHCs, they will be added into the Candidate List of SVHCs, which currently contain 219 substances.
Substance Name | EC No. | CAS No. | Proposing Authority | Reason for Inclusion |
(±)-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4-methylphenyl)methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one covering any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof (4-MBC) | - | - | Denmark | Endocrine disrupting properties (Article 57(f) - human health) |
6,6'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-methylenedi-p-cresol (DBMC) | 204-327-1 | 119-47-1 | Denmark | Toxic for reproduction (Article 57 c) |
S-(tricyclo['2,6]deca-3-en-8(or 9)-yl) O-(isopropyl or isobutyl or 2-ethylhexyl) O-(isopropyl or isobutyl or 2-ethylhexyl) phosphorodithioate | 401-850-9 | 255881-94-8 | Belgium | PBT (Article 57 d) |
tris(2-methoxyethoxy)vinylsilane | 213-934-0 | 1067-53-4 | Austria | Toxic for reproduction (Article 57 c) |
CIRS warmly reminds that products containing SVHC materials, whose content exceeds 0.1%, need to inform ECHA. In later 6 months, the product containing more than 0.1% the concentration of a single SVHC in the article and the annual export volume is more than 1 ton, shall notify ECHA. The list of SVHC updates twice a year.
If you have any needs or questions, please contact us at service@jianzaoshiwang.cn.