CIRS attended the “Prepare for Brexit” event held by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in conjunction with state agencies on September 23rd 2019. The meeting was part of a host of events Irish government agencies are holding in order to keep businesses informed on Brexit and how it may affect different aspects of their trade.
The opening address was delivered by the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys T.D., who addressed concerns over the Brexit process while ensuring that the government are undertaking a number of initiatives to support Irish businesses. This was followed by an extensive panel discussion, highlighting the supports that are available as well as important points should the UK leave the EU. This included logistics, customs and regulatory aspects that should all be considered throughout the supply chain of your business. The panel was made up of representatives from The Health and Safety Authority (HSA), The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), InterTradeIreland (ITI), Enterprise Ireland (EI), and The Revenue Commission.
CIRS is dedicated to staying up to date with emerging regulatory information to support its clients. Should you have any questions or concerns we would be happy to assist you: