秘魯總統Ollanta Humala說,在聽到農業和社會組織的呼聲后,政府做出這個決議,采用重要的一步來保護我們的生物多樣性。
PERU has banned GM production for 10 years.
In a bid to protect its local food producers, the country has approved a law establishing a moratorium on income and production of genetically modified organisms.
Peru’s President Ollanta Humalasaid the decision was made after hearing the cries of agricultural organisations and civil society to take this important step in the defence of our biodiversity.
Earlier this year, the administration of the outgoingPeruvian President slipped in a decree which opened the door for GM seeds. But the subsequent outcry forced not only the resignation of the Agriculture Minister, who had introduced the decree, but also a 10-year ban on GMOs.
However, that ban was not signed into law by the outgoing Administration, so in November the new Peruvian Congress overwhelmingly approved the ban once again.
国产精品无码不卡视频丨国产精品青草久久久久影视福利丨无码专区男人本色丨成人无码小视频在线观看丨水蜜桃美女啪啪视频丨精品毛片一区二区三区丨99re视频在线只有精品丨日韩欧美精品有码在线 秘魯在10年內禁止轉基因作物的生產
來源 杭州瑞旭
作者 杭州瑞旭
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